作者:CCPA 发表时间:2019-08-26 来源:创新型企业财税人才综合能力实训平台

  A case study in China: Shanghai Finance and Talent Information Technology Co. Ltd

  In line with ATHE’s international growth strategy, we are continuing to expand our presence in China. A case study of success we would like to share and celebrate involves the ATHE recognised centre Shanghai Finance and Talent Information Technology Co. Ltd. From our initial engagement in 2016, the level of learners successfully completing their ATHE endorsed accountancy program has grown significantly. In tandem, the business relationship between the organisations has continued to strengthen. We look forward to our forthcoming meetings in London and Shanghai over the coming weeks, to further build on these foundations and explore new areas of opportunity.


  Underlining this successful partnership, a representative from Shanghai Finance and Talent Information Technology Co. Ltd provided the following statement:

  CCPA (Skills for payments and tax agents) is growing rapidly in China.

  “In 2016, ATHE endorsed the CCPA program when Shanghai Finance and Talent Information Technology Co. Ltd became an ATHE China Centre (Centre ID:965). With the development of CCPA, in 2018, CCPA (Skills for payments and tax agents) was added to the original CCPA program. The CCPA (Skills for payments and tax agents) program is based on the theory and practice of human capital and has reached a new stage of development. Payments and tax agents have become one of the most important factors in an organization. Every manager, CFO and HRD must own a capability of how to plan and calculate the salary and tax in the organization, how to combine it with human capital theory, how to apply it in compliance and control risks. Payments and tax agents are a cutting-edge education, training and certification system based on the requirements of the contemporary market. CCPA (Skills for payments and tax agents) certificates will be awarded by ATHE. More than 10,000 people have obtained the certificate.

  During the past four years, CCPA has achieved great success with extraordinary help and support from ATHE in endorsing the CCPA program. Thanks to the high efficiency, high quality and high value of ATHE’s work, Shanghai Finance and Talent Information Technology Co. Ltd was able to deliver CCPA certificates, including CCPA (Skills for payments and tax agents) certificates to participants.”

